March 11, 2025

From Dynamics365 Team Blog: Dynamics 365 training: Good for workers and great for business

As a business owner, you think strategically. You invested in Microsoft Dynamics 365 because you wanted to connect data and business intelligence across your teams and to use artificial intelligence for insights that can help you drive business decisions. But consider, do your employees have the skills they need to take advantage of the powerful set of business applications you've invested in? With Dynamics 365 training and skills, your workforce can better help you realize the technology's full potential and maximize your ROI.

These days, everyone's talking about the digital transformation of business, but who's talking about improving the digital skills of workers? In these unsettling times, as many organizations transition to new models and processesand new market realitieshelping to ensure that your workers have the skills they need can provide you the business edge you need. Today, 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Dynamics 365 or Microsoft Power Platform, as do thousands of small and medium-sized businesses, educational institutions, government organizations, and nonprofits. It's true that workers of all levels can use Dynamics 365 and Power Platform to good advantage. But these sophisticated tools work even harder for you when your teams are trained to use them.

Companies in every industry report that this set of business applications helps them respond faster to changes in the market and customer needsand to changes within their own businesses. In fact, many companies have achieved breakthrough outcomes using Dynamics 365, often within very short time frames, helping to keep them ahead of the game. By training your employees in Dynamics 365, you can facilitate successes like these.

Some companies aren't realizing the full potential of Dynamics 365. Skilling up your workforce can give you a business edge. People working across an organization from sales, marketing, service, finance, to operations and even human resources may have great communication and other skills, but they might not have the training to take advantage of the latest technology. For example, as companies face new risks and challenges, technology is revolutionizing the finance industry, making it more responsive, efficient, and secure. But right now, some commentators say that there's a gap between Dynamics 365 tools and Dynamics 365 skills in finance and operations.

The good news is that "technical skills are so learnable"far easier to learn than people skills and organizational skills. To help unlock the potential of Dynamics 365 for your company (for example, to help your company scale or respond to rapidly changing customer demands), your workforce doesn't necessarily need to have years of tech experience or to be made up of data analysts. But it does need training and certification in Dynamics 365 skills.

Microsoft Learn offers 13 Dynamics 365 certifications, two in fundamentals and 11 that are role-based:

The path to certification goes through training. Encourage your workers to browse the Dynamics 365 learning paths offered by Microsoft Learn, where they can get free, online training that leads to certification. Dynamics 365 learning paths are available for finance and operations, marketing, sales, and other specialties.

Point your teams to the instructor-led courses offered by Microsoft Learning Partners or to on-demand or live classroom learningor even to blended learningthat prepares them in depth for certification. To customize a Dynamics 365 training for one of your teams or divisions, work with a Learning Partner, such as NetCom Learning or Directions Training.

Dynamics 365 learning paths are available for finance and operations, marketing, sales, and other specialties

According to the PwC "23rd Annual Global CEO Survey," CEOs whose businesses provide more advanced upskilling programsa clear commitment to developing employees' capabilities and advancing their technical, soft, and digital skills”cite improved engagement, innovation and ability to attract and retain talent." By encouraging and supporting Dynamics 365 training, you can help increase your company's ROI and its success in today's uncertain business world.

And here's another benefit: you might just increase employee satisfaction when you encourage and support more training. Lifelong learning is a necessity in today's world. Plus, it contributes to a sense of job satisfaction and helps boost employee confidence. When members of your team earn certifications in Dynamics 365, they can make a greater impactnot only on their careers but also on your company's success.

The post Dynamics 365 training: Good for workers and great for business appeared first on Dynamics 365 Blog.

from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

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