February 19, 2025

CRM 2016 – Registrazione plugin

Nonostante CRM 2016 offra molteplici possibilità di customizzazione, sia lato UI che lato Business Logic, potrebbe essere necessario creare delle personalizzazioni spinte che richiedano lo sviluppo di codice custom.

Ovviamente  CRM ci mette a disposizione questa possibilità ed in particolare abbiamo diverse alternative per interagire con con l’object model di CRM, ma non è questo l’argomento di trattazione di questo articolo.

Supponendo di aver realizzato il nostro codice incapsulato all’interno della nostra “custom action” vedremo di seguito come registrare il nostro plug-in.

Il primo step da eseguire è il download del tool che ci permetterà, una volta connesso alla nostra istanza CRM di registrare il nostro plug-in:

Il tool si trova all’interno dell’ SDK scaricabile al seguente link: https://www.microsoft.com/it-IT/download/details.aspx?id=50032

Una volta lanciato vi chiederà di connettervi ad un server CRM, basterà indicare indirizzo e porta di comunicazione ed il tool scaricherà automaticamente (ovviamente dopo aver fornito le credenziali di accesso) i plug-in attualmente registrati.

Per registrare un nuovo plug-in è sufficiente premere su Register e selezionare la nostra DLL che verrà così deployata sul server.

E’ sempre consigliabile selezionare l’opzione sandbox e la location database, in quanto vi toglierete tutti i problemi derivanti da ambienti Cluster.

A questo punto i metodi implementati nel vostro plug-in saranno disponibili all’interno dei vostri processi e business process flow.




About The Author

Founder & CEO of Logol AG www.logol.com Microsoft MVP Business Solutions Active member of Scrum Alliance with the certifications CSM and CSP I got Microsoft MCP, MCPD, MCTS certifications as well.Logol, pioneering specialist in the field of cloud-enabled digital transformation, is the first operator specifically created to implement modular programs designed to unleash breakthrough innovation and rationalize business processes. Founded and directed by an award-winning expert tapping directly into the vision of leading IT companies and spearheading forward-thinking digitalization projects, Logol addresses the needs of enterprises in all sectors as they embrace new technologies and organizational change in the era big data and artificial intelligence. Logol helps organizations leverage the power of the most advanced cloud technologies, offering end-to-end consultancy for total digital transformation and business process automation, employing agile methodologies and change management techniques for smooth transitions towards new business paradigms. Digital transformation programs are a milestone in a company’s business evolution and can be the basis of their success. Accompanying clients as they transform their business processes, Logol assists them in rethinking not only the scope of their technologies, but also the strategy, mindset and company culture that make digital transformation viable and effective. As digital transformation programs are successful only if approached with the highest professional competence, Logol selects and employs brilliant professionals who demonstrate outstanding technical expertise in the most advanced information technologies, in depth strategic knowledge of business processes and innovation, and refined soft skills to better support people and organizations facing change. Logol is headquartered in Switzerland and addresses the needs of both public and private sector players by promoting a comprehensive and proactive approach to digital transformation as a necessary step for inclusion and competitiveness in today’s digital economy.

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